The Importance of Photographs

Not very long ago (around October of 2017) I came across a very interesting article about a study that was done about our memory and our happiness as it related to photographs and other souvenirs.  Now, after a quick internet search I, of course, cannot find the article to link it, but I will if it pops up for me at a later time.

So, I've always felt that having those tangible photographs was important to me, but I never really thought about why.  All I knew was that I liked having my favorite photos printed and displayed in some way.

When the digital revolution pounced on society and social media became common, I thought that it would be a great place for me to have easy access to those photos anytime I wanted, and I wouldn't have the need to print those photos anymore.  I was wrong.  Honestly, once I loaded my photos onto my computer or onto social media, they pretty much became forgotten artifacts of a life I once knew.  It wasn't long before I started printing those photos once more.

Then I came across the aforementioned article, and my understanding grew with each paragraph I read.  You see, I have a great passion for life, the people in my life, and the experiences I've had in my life.  This article explored a couple of aspects of our memory of life experiences.  Let me share:

First, the authors asked a sample of people who were planning a special life moment (wedding, vacation, or any other significant life moment) how happy they expected to be, and how much of that moment they believed they would remember (I believe they rated each on a 1-10 scale).  Then, shortly after the event, they were asked how happy the event made them, and how much they remembered from the event.  They were also asked what kind, if any, mementos they had of the event and if they were displayed anywhere in sight.  And finally, they were asked those same questions at a later date (sorry, I don't remember the exact time-frame, but I believe it was 6 months or a year later).

The results?  Well, the people who had a memento of the event that was displayed in some way where it can be seen were able to remember significantly more details about the event, and felt significantly happier as a result of the event for a longer period of time.  The biggest influencer of memory and happiness?  You guessed it!  Photographs!

Now the really interesting part.  If the photos were stored on a computer or in the cloud, there was almost no positive impact on happiness or memory.  If the photographs were printed and on display (even if it was a photo album that sat closed on the coffee table) the results were just astounding. 

So, now I understand why I felt so strongly about printing photos.  My passion for life, people, and experiences combined with the impact that having photographs has on happiness and our memories of life events naturally leads me to wanting prints displayed all around me.

I consider it an honor and a blessing that, as a photographer, I am able to contribute to your happiness in life.  I think this is also why I much prefer to do photo sessions that are more of an experience than the typical studio portraits. 

So let's set up a unique and fun session that fits you perfectly!  Then display those souvenirs and enjoy telling your friends the story that led to those priceless souvenirs!